Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5/26/15 - Stormy Weather

"Are the storms over yet Mommy?"

Bentley has a hard time during the storms so I called Auntie Keli, friend and vet tech & manager extraordinaire at the Arlington Animal Hospital and Clinic where I volunteered for awhile. Your furbabies will get great care there if you are looking for a good vet. Anyhoo, she recommended "Rescue Remedy" for Bentley during the storms. My friend Cathy and I went on the hunt for such. We found it at CVS in the human sleep aide aisle. It is all natural ingredients as are the chew tabs I got at Walmart (pics below). The combo took Bentley from pacing and frantic to the point of being in danger of hurting himself, to panting and then to slumber. He made it through several days of major storms with no problem at all. A miraculous change!

borrowed from a post by Auntie Leslie on FB
Bentley says, "Thank you Auntie Cathy!"
And Nonni? That baby girl can sleep through anything.

She wants you to know she actually can sit up. When she wants to.

You have probably heard about it on the news by now but the storms in our great state have caused major damage and flooding. The stories of loss - property and lives - are heart wrenching. Below are a few comparison pics.

The first one is of our beloved point here in the RV park overlooking the San Gabriel . You may have to click on it to get the complete effect.

The second one includes the San Gabriel at our nearby city park as well as the Barton Creek swimming hole in Austin. The entire area and beyond where Nonni and Bentley are sitting completely flooded. There is damage but nothing compared to the Blanco River in Wimberley and San Marcos, or the San Jacinto River damage in Houston and Harris County.

San Marcos Pecan Park RV Resort
CNN provides video updates (here), and on FB, the following two sites offer multiple coverage and great rescue resources: Texas Hill Country (here) and TOT, Traces of Texas (here). Be forewarned, the images are devastating. If you have other resources, please list them in the comments below.

These are pics of beautiful Mammatus clouds that formed after the storms, Monday night, Memorial Day, May 25, 2015. Good or bad, nature is awe-mazing.

As I am writing this, another Flash Flood Watch just popped up on my phone and it has been issued through tomorrow morning! Continued prayers please for all concerned.

1 comment :

  1. we have been watching CNN every day to get updates on TX and the other states in the path of all these storms. so horrible. this is great news on the stress relief. i will put that on my FB page for people who have the problem. we had a dog that was terrified and i would have loved to have this. Nonni is like baby, we asked the lady we got Baby from if she could stand up... she loves sleeping


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