Friday, October 25, 2013

10/25/13-My Transformation Portal

Spirit woke me up in the middle of the night last night.  I laid there for a moment waiting for inspiration, enlightenment, a bolt of lightning – something, but got nothing.  I even said out loud to the darkness, “What!?”  The only reaction was from my dogs.  Resigned to being awake, but not yet coherent enough to read, and not willing to get up, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and began surfing the internet.

I love modern technology and the blessings of living in this dispensation.  I have access to the world, unlimited "channels" at my fingertips, on my phone, in the middle of the night, from my bed.  That is what I call a miracle; one I enjoy very much.  To me, it is an example of God expressing through our beautiful, creative, infinitely inventive and expansive minds.  I love it.

And I love what happened next.

Several links deep, I came across an excerpt from a book on grief, Second Firsts by Christina Rasmussen.

Grief can be attributed to any major loss, not just death.  I attend a weekly writer’s workshop, and am currently writing my life story.  In it I describe some of the losses I’ve experienced.  Recently, a friend and I were discussing the various aspects of grief so this link caught my eye and I took time to read the excerpt.

It touched on so many things alive in me right now that I couldn’t process them all.  For one, it gave me a new title for my book.  When I first started writing my story I was calling it, “Something is Wrong with Debra,” but I didn’t want to leave that negative connotation in the Universe so I have been exploring options for a new title.

In fact, I had even thought about dropping the entire project along with the old title because I had begun to question the whole concept of telling one’s story.  There are many spiritual gurus, such as Byron Katie, who tout one’s story doesn’t matter.  It’s all a matter of perspective and an illusion.  I get that.  It’s a level of truth and enlightenment that I aspire to.  So, as I opened up to the possibilities for a new title, I also began to doubt whether or not my story even mattered.

Then a friend of mine, who I consider to be a spiritual giant, told me, “The story might not matter, but transcending it does.  It might help someone else transcend theirs.”

That was the inspiration I needed for a new title and for continuing my writing.  The title became, “My Story Matters.”  It was better, more positive, but it still didn’t sit well with me.  The “my” in the title felt self-centered and isolating.  Certainly “my” story isn’t the only one that matters.  So I have remained opened to other titles.

My entry to this portal began in the summer of 2012 when my friend (the same one that told me the story of my transcendence matters) began challenging my whiny, petulant ramblings about the woes of my life.  He reminded me I had co-created my environment and therefore living in it was my choice.  In addition to that, he pointed out I also had to believe on some level that I deserved the life I had, the low to which I had sunk (my words, not his).  He was clear – I was the one restricting myself through my limited thinking.

His provocative remarks led to a series of awakenings and I eventually recalled the day in 2011 that I made the decision to move into that particular apartment complex.  He was right!  I consciously chose it!  Not only that, he was also right in that I believed it was a rightful environment for me.  My underlying belief was that I had failed at life and had ultimately received what I deserved.  Wow, the scales began to fall from my eyes quickly.

Then, that fall, I took a class he was teaching on “Keys to the Kingdom” (a prosperity consciousness course based on the book by David Owen Ritz). My life began to change immediately but when I applied two key principles, my life began to change so dramatically, and quickly, I couldn't keep up.  I was launched on an exponential, spiritual growth curve that continues today.  Here are the two principles I took to heart:
  1. I denied my current state of affairs.  I looked at the life I was living and over-and-over declared, “This is not my existence.”  I had had enough and was ready to co-create a higher standard of living.
  2. I claimed Oneness with Spirit and became willing to do whatever was asked of me.
The latter half of step two found me sitting in the middle of my living room floor, bawling, and trying to decide between a life of living from Spirit or dying – figuratively and probably, literally.  I’ll write more about that entire process of awakening later, and the specific changes that occurred, but for now suffice it to say that this was the entry to my transformation portal.  I chose Spirit and willingly gave my heart and my life to be whatever and wherever Spirit needs.

I find it fascinating that I recently went through this same two-step process again.  Only this time I didn’t recognize that I had done so until I was on the other side of it!

It began when I found myself “in” a series of painful experiences (my perception).

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
– Anais Nin, US (French born) author & diarist (1903-1977)

It is important to note that the entire time I was going through this painful process, I was still willing to do whatever Spirit wanted me to do (step 2 above, check).  I continued doing all the things that keep me connected to Spirit, and even picked up a few more tools, but I wasn’t able to move past the pain.  I could not understand why I felt “stuck.”  Finally, when I was ready to stand strong and deny my existence of lack (step 1 above), I was able to let go and move on.  It took both steps to move me into a new awareness.

This 2nd time of processing both steps once again took me out of that false victim mode of thinking.  I went from thinking things were “happening to me” to a victorious mode of, “I am not going to allow this, and it is not going to affect me (my higher self); no matter what, even if it means I stand alone.”  When I leaned into that and moved through all of the pain that came with that (and there was a lot), in that moment of acceptance and surrender, I was instantly transformed.  I was willing to stand alone in my truth, and in that moment, nothing and no one else mattered.  And yet my love, for all that is, became even greater.

A particular song by Rickie Byars Beckwith kept playing over- and-over in my head, “I Release and I Let Go”:

I release and I let go,
I let the Spirit run my life.
And my heart is open wide,
Yes, I’m only here for God.

No more struggle, no more strife,
With my faith I see the light.
I am free in the Spirit,
Yes, I’m only here for God.

The peace I gained from that process remains with me.  Even when unpleasantries come up that would normally unravel me, it just doesn’t matter anymore.  As before, something inside of me shifted and my life is improving dramatically.  I have experienced a life-changing realization that is resolute.

In fact, as I move through this portal of transformation, each awakening takes me to a heightened level of realization and I am learning that nothing on this earth matters; yet everything matters.  Another spiritual giant in my life, Aliza Bloom Robinson (here), says dualities such as this one are everywhere because we live in a time when major spiritual shifts are occurring across the entire planet at a rate never experienced before.  We are shifting individually and collectively.

My summary is that we are to live and love from a new consciousness; from “that which animates the body” (Gangaji, “the Diamond in your Pocket”).  We are to stand in our truth, even if it means standing alone.  And we are to do it in the full knowledge that we are One.  There is no separation.

Aliza often confirms, “We are to do it alone; yet we can’t do it by ourselves.”  To me, this means that we are to do our transformation work alone, regardless of what others are doing or what might be happening around us.  We are to find our individual, specific truth and live that truth even if it means standing alone, and it often does.  Yet we can’t do it by ourselves.  We find spiritual mentors, like-minded individuals seeking truth, positive thought and enlightenment, and we gather strength and grow spiritually stronger – individually and collectively.  We do it alone, but not by ourselves.

In sorting through all of this, I finally realized why Spirit woke me up in the middle of the night.

My whole life has been spent in a circuitous loop of disaster/trauma/drama à overcoming/surviving à shock/PTSD à celebration/recovery à sublime routine à Repeat.


So, for the 3rd time since my awakening in October 2012, I once again deny that which I have been living and become a willing vessel for God as I affirm:

“That cycle is NOT my life,
I remain willing to do whatever Spirit wants of me.”

As I gratefully and hopefully graciously live from this place of new understanding, I can’t wait to see what is manifested now.

Whatever it is, “we” will co-create it together:  me, Spirit, the Universe and you.  There is no separation.  We are One.  Namaste.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10/15/13-Learning Who I Am

I am learning who I am.

On September 17, I found out I have family on my father's side I never knew existed.  My birth father died when I was 10 months old, and I was always told he had no relatives.  As I get to know this loving, new-found family of mine, I am learning amazing things from them through all of the genealogy work they've done, especially my cousins, Bob and Ella Faye.  For example, Samuel Burling Dickinson was my great-great grandfather which means I am a descendant of the passengers that came to America on the Mayflower in 1620.

Chart prepared by Dickinson descendant and Mayflower Society member, Bob Webb

And I look an awful lot like my grandfather's sister, Mary Ellen Dickinson Flenniken, 1893-1932.

Photo provided by Ella Faye (Flenniken) Johnson.  Mary Ellen was her Mother.

I'm also learning things that sadden me - my grandfather (one of the twins on the left in the family photo below) died in 1987, in San Antonio.  All these years he was so close and I didn't know anything about him.
Samuel Abel Dickinson and Laura Ann Finley
Photo provided by Ella Faye (Flenniken) Johnson.  Samuel Abel and Laura Ann were her grandparents, my great grandparents.

All of this research has also revealed that I had a half-brother on my mother's side of the family that died in 2003.  I would have liked to have known him too.

I'm struck more than ever on how important it is to strive to love and live from Spirit - every moment, every day, with every person.  I'm sure there are many New Thought prayers and great FB quotes that can capture this, but what is present in my heart today is the St. Francis of Assisi's Prayer.  There is nothing I want more than to be a vessel of love and light in this world, and it is a good reminder for that.

by stevepr56-d3joygi
I get to meet some members of my new family soon, and I am very grateful for that.  I am learning who I am, but I am more than just a descendant of the Mayflower voyagers, and the Dickinson-Kinnison line, and what I've believed about me and my time on earth to date.  As Gangaji states in her book, the Diamond in your Pocket, "I am that which animates the body."  I am, as you are, one with all that is, all that has ever been and all that will ever be.  We are the Divine expressing, or as Rev. David Howard writes in his blog (here), "We are the Christ expressing."  We are love.  I pray that my new family and I, that you and I, recognize that in each other whenever we meet, every time we meet.

I celebrate this gift of knowing.  I celebrate you.  I am grateful.

Love Greatly Dear Ones