Sunday, October 26, 2014

10/26/14-An Upright Day

Today was stellar.  With my symptoms all but gone, I was able to spend it upright.  What a blessing mobility is.  I wish I knew how to do cartwheels.  I never could, but today I was so happy to feel better, if I ever had been able to I would have probably tried.

The only incident that occurred was that I put something in the car and promptly found myself at the back of my yard near the barn.  For just a brief moment I stood there and wondered what was wrong with this picture.  Then I remembered, "Oh yeah, I need to go through the gate."  It puzzled me for just a split second when the gate wasn't there, and then I had a good laugh.  My dogs were looking at me through the fence with a look that said, "Whatcha doin' Mom.  We don't know this game."  But of course, Nonni and Bentley being their lovable selves were more than happy to go along with whatever I wanted to do.  I really did laugh out loud.  You see, the gate is right by my car - in the front yard!  As I walked back to the front, Nonni and Bentley bounced along, running to and fro, just as excited that I was coming around to the gate as if I'd been gone for weeks.  George Carlin used to do a great routine around dogs and their disregard for timelines.  More laughter.  And it was my last symptom of the day.  Laughter truly is healing.  Just ask Christina Conner, LUT, and those who attended her Laughter Workshop at the USCR Conference.  I choose joy.  I am grateful.

I also got to see a large flock of Green Jays today.  Wow.  That brought me great pleasure.  I was in the yard and they just kept coming.  Every single one of them landed in the tree right above me.  I let the tears flow as I watched them in flight and thought of Megon McDonough's song, "God Spoils Me" (click here to listen to snippet).  I didn't get to take a pic so I am sharing this one found through a Google image search, credit given.

I got some things done throughout the day and after 2 sedentary days was a bit stir crazy so I took a short drive on the back roads.  We were gone for 45 minutes (including a stop to let the dogs roam free), and we never saw another car.  I love living in the country.  We did see a dozen deer and the stunning longhorn that is in the pic at top.  Wasn't it nice of this him to pose so perfectly for us?

Life is good.  I hope you too had a day where you recognized Grace, Gratitude and Oneness.  Namaste.

Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24/14-A Symptomatic Day

I am unable to walk today AND I am so blessed. Gratitude flows from every scintilla of my being. Click (here) to find out why.  ❤️

Monday, October 20, 2014

10/20/14-Time to Get Real - Messy & Imperfectly

My first newsletter was titled, “My Awakening Journey”, and I posted it here on my blog, (9/29).  It carried you through the events that have occurred in my life since October 2012 when I told Spirit, “Whatever you want of me, I will do.”  For me, it has been an amazing journey.

The title this time is “Time to Get Real - Messy & Imperfectly” and by the end of this post you will understand why.  First, let me catch you up on a few things.

Last week was our 2014 Unity South Central Region annual conference.  It was held at Unity of Houston.  I met some awe-mazing, wonderful people and learned a ton – spiritually and especially about coordinating a conference.  I'm looking forward to implementing the lessons learned - in my life as well as a means of enhancing our 2015 conference.  I also had the opportunity to perform sign language with the incomparable Michael Gott as he sang his awe-inspiring song, “Nearer than the Air”.  What a privilege and blessing that was.

The week before that, one of my besties, Joanne, came to see me – all the way from Canada!  We had such fun while she was here.  My dogs went to the beach for the first time and I got to kayak for the first time.  While visiting Aransas Pass Wildlife Refuge, Joanne saw a 5’ rattlesnake for the first time.  We were bummed we didn’t see any alligators.  That would have been a first for all of us!

The week prior to Joanne's visit was a difficult transition week for me.  For one, I sold Fiona.  The new owners will be here sometime this week to pick her up and make final payment.  They are making their way down from Colorado.  They bought her sight unseen and she is going to a good home (here), and will be a part of wildlife management and rescue.  Wow.  For that I am grateful.

Secondly, I no longer work at the State Park.  And here’s the kicker, and the reason it’s time for me to get real …. For those that this might shock, I apologize.  Please feel free to contact me and we will talk it through ....

For some time now (a few years, actually), my official diagnosis has been Hippocampal Sclerosis.  I recently met with my doctors and it seems that my scar tissue from an old brain injury is calcifying again.  If you want more information on it, I can send you a research summary.  I want to stress that most days I am fine, and I have taken measures to control it, if not reverse it.  From a medical perspective however, the new prognosis is not good. 

The doctors believe I may only have 6 months to 1 year of quality life left.  However, I know that I will have a different outcome and I ask that you hold that vision with me please – vision nothing less than me in my Highest self, in perfect health and love, with clarity of mind and focus.  To borrow words I recently heard from someone who announced something similar, "If you are not able to do that, then please forget that I have shared this with you."

I am not in denial, nor am I doing a spiritual bypass.  I just know to my core that the story according to my doctors is not my truth.  In Rev. Gott’s Wednesday Night Live stirring message ("As Within, So Without" on 10/15), he reminded us to not give up until we receive our blessing.  I demand my blessing.  There is something good for me here.  I am not giving up! 

Like my title says, it’s “time to get real.”  So, I am going to take a courageous leap and do the things my heart longs for me to do. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  My deepest desire is to be a vessel for Spirit.  I don’t have credentials and I don’t have any of my writings published yet, AND I am out of time waiting for that perfect, elusive moment to automagically appear.  It may be messy and at times it may not be pretty, and it certainly will not be perfect, but I am finally ready to do that which Spirit asks of me, again.

I have wanted to write and be a public speaker for as long as I can remember.  I have run from it far and wide and avoided it in a variety of ways.  I no longer have the luxury of time for further avoidance, nor do I want to continue being evasive.  I am ready to move in to what is mine to do.  

There are 2 ways you can help me.

1)      Do you know a group that could use an inspirational speaker?

I am called to share my story as a TBI (traumatic brain injury) survivor.  My varying symptoms now force me to live in the moment and I choose gratitude on a daily basis.  My life has been transformed and along the way I have come to know Grace, Gratitude and Oneness.  I am infinitely blessed and I am grateful for all that is.  If Spirit can use me to help others move in to awareness and expansion, even just one person, then that’s all that matters.

A friend recently recommended that I make a few videos to give people examples of my talks.  I will do that, and I will do it as soon as possible, and I hope to have speaking engagements right away – without having to wait until the videos are made - practice jump starts if you will.  I promise the audience will not be disappointed, and I can promise that because this is being led by Spirit, not me.

While speaking from such a personal platform is new for me, I am an experienced public speaker and can tailor my talks to any forum or group, any size crowd, for time periods from 15 minutes to 1 hour.  I just want the opportunity to begin, and for now all I ask is that my travel expenses be covered.  Please help me find venues.

2)      I also need an income stream fairly quickly.

I am grateful to be able to continue my administrative work for the regional board.  While at the conference they voted to expand my duties and they gave me a pay raise.  What a powerful, wonderful blessing (!), especially since I chose to take the leap of faith and had already left my day job at the State Park.  I left for health reasons, and to follow my calling by Spirit.  Working from home, living in the country, and no commute allows spaciousness on which I can build health and stability.

So, as of this month I am, for the most part, self-employed.  I need to augment my income fairly quickly.  The regional job allows me to pay my bills and keep my car, but it does not leave anything extra for things like food and unexpected expenses.

Here’s how you can help with that….

Do you know anyone that could use help maintaining their email list?  Perhaps you know a musician or speaker that gathers email addresses everywhere they go, but are not diligent about maintaining their contact information list.  That’s where I come in.  I envision being able to support musicians, speakers, small ministries/groups, small business owners and entrepreneurs.  They can send me their client contact information in any form – by email, text, voice mail, sticky note, or snail mail – and I will maintain their mailing lists for them.  PLUS, I will create and email info to their contacts once a month.  It can be a basic email, flyer, itinerary, or a newsletter – whatever they want to communicate.  They tell me what they want to say; I take care of the rest.

Here are my rates.  Please help me find clients.  I look forward to being of service.

Email List Management*:

$10, 1-100
$25, 101-250
$35, 251-499
$50, 500-1000

*Includes one monthly mailing.


I know not what tomorrow brings.  I’m fully aware that none of us do, but I am living that awareness now up close and personal.  It is such a mixed bag of beautiful blessings.

Being able to work from home, gather clients, establish speaking engagements, and write, is a dream come true for me.  I highly recommend you don’t wait for something like a brain injury to help you live your dreams.

What is on your bucket list?  What is your dream?  Do it today.

I close by sharing 2 videos with you of people, young and old, that know how to live courageously, authentically and from vulnerability.  May we all shine so brightly, always.  Namaste.

I love you,