Friday, June 26, 2015

6/26/15-Road Trip Anyone?

You might recall that I recently advertised that I needed a driver. Here's a pic of the flyer I originally distributed.

I put that flyer up here at my RV park, on FB and on Craig's List. I didn't get a single bite. Nada. Nothing.

Then one day I'm talking to my neighbors next door and they are visiting with a friend that had just been to the R.O.T. Rally. (I miss my motorcycle!) They introduce me and he hands me his card....

Nope. Not kidding. "Driver". Just like that Spirit puts a driver in my front yard, almost literally. It reminds me of when the Universe put my beloved RV, Fiona (RIP), in the driveway next door to where I worked. I love the way God shows up in my life!

So, I have this card and I sit with it for awhile. Then I call Bear Eagle and arrange to have lunch with him and his wife, Jane. It doesn't matter whether I get to take this trip or not. I will forever be grateful for God bringing such lovely people in to my life. I am blessed by so many beautiful beings that know how to freely express love and positive energy on this earth. It is nothing less than awe-mazing.

Meet Bear Eagle and his lovely wife, Jane. I love them already.

So from there ....

Instead of a driver to pull my trailer, the three of us began looking at options for Bear Eagle to drive my car. Road Trip!

But the $$ numbers to hire a driver just don't work on my budget. So, no road trip with Bear Eagle, but a forever friendship with him and Jane. Yeah, life is good.

And here's the current dealio....

If there is someone out there that feels called to go on a road trip with me and share a hotel room along the way, I will provide the car and cover the gasoline and lodging. Your part will be to drive and cover expenses for your own food. That's it.

Dates: 7/10 - 7/21
Destinations: Dallas, Unity Village MO, Clear Lake IA, back through Arkansas and Dallas again. Starting and stopping in Georgetown.

Any takers? I want to make it to a retreat for my job in Iowa on 7/13, and along the way to and from we can make as many or as few stops as you want. I need to know you or at least know someone who knows you that I am comfortable with, and no smokers please. Other than that, let's go have some fun!

Road trip!


Coming July 2015

Kaleidoscope 9, a collection of unrelated short stories by .... me

Enjoy an excerpt from A Sense of Wonder:

"She was grateful when her friend invited her to go with him to run some errands. She was going to get to GO. Her reaction reminded her of her furbabies. Mention the word "go" to them and they bounce up and down, run in circles, talk, pant and lead the way to the car. She forced herself to follow her friend instead of leading, and chuckled at the thought of panting. When he couldn't see, as he walked around to the driver's side, she couldn't help but quickly clap her hands and smile ear-to-ear. He opened the door and they were off."


  1. Perhpas share this on Reddit, are you familiar? Its the "front page of the internet" and everyone is anonymous. You can get some very good advice and also find help, plus be entertained, horrified, amused, and or amazed at some fo the different catagories. I would suggest searching through the "subreddit" r/assistance. ( In searching through Reddit simply type an "r" then a slash like this "/". For example to search for help with Jennifers kidney problems I searched "r/assistance" . I asked some questions about why she was denied a kidney, why the hospital was being a jerk and turning her away. I immedietly got a response from someone who had been through it, what had happened to them, how they succeded, and why. Its a wonderful resource. Maybe explore this avenue.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. I went to this site. It hurt my brain. Too. Many. Words. for me to process. I could not make sense of it and had to close the page.

      I love that you were able to help Jennifer and are such a huge support for her - and me - and so many others. You are an earth angel! swak!

  2. there is not way i would ride any where with someone i met on the internet, not even bloggers. to much danger out there. i don't think that is a good idea to advertise to the world you want a driver.


I enjoy reading your comments. Thank you!