Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/25/15-First Out of the Gate

Having completed my intake and eval appointments at the advocacy center, today was round one with new doctors and a treatment plan - first out of the gate, so to speak.  It went really well, and later when I walked the furbabies, Bentley celebrated with a swim and then multiple rolls in freshly cut grass.  Good one Ben.  LOL.

Lists probably don't make interesting reads within a blog post, but I'm going to risk it anyway as a way to share today's triumphs.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank my chauffeur, Cathy.  You go girl! (Quite literally, grin.)  I also want to thank everyone who sent me well wishes for today and checked on me after.  I am infinitely blessed.

1. I met my case worker, ADO, for short.  She is the ultimate coordinator for my overall treatment plan, and ADO is a superstar in my book.  In our very first meeting, she:
  • Gave me vouchers for discounts on local transportation.
  • Resolved the issues with my insurance provider.
  • Secured an appointment for me with a new primary care physician (PCP).
  • Set me up with free transportation to-and-from the advocacy center on all future appointments.
  • Referred me to a TBI "Wellness Recovery Action Plan" Group (WRAP) that meets every Friday, and
  • Established monthly recurring appointments with my advocacy center physician, Dr. H. (Having recurring appointments vs. being seen on an as needed basis is an option that is left completely up to the case workers - thank you ADO!)
2. I met Dr. H who set the ball rolling for the medical help I've been needing.  You might recall that my fervent hope is to find health care professionals that will think outside the box and not just label me as someone with HS from a TBI.  Dr. H obliged.  Without me asking, in our very first meeting:
  • She contacted my PCP to make sure they give me a referral to a neurologist that specializes in ... (oops, I don't remember).
  • She went over my list of symptoms with me and identified which ones she thinks are seizures and which ones she thinks may be something else (TBD).
  • She gave me an Rx for a new medication she thinks may slow the seizures.  If that one doesn't work she said there are several others we can try.
  • For the other symptoms she will coordinate with my future neurologist to test for MS (didn't see that one coming), dementia &/or early onset Alzheimer's, and possible thyroid issues (interesting).  These are her guesses on possible contributing culprits in addition to the TBI and she wants to rule them out, and
  • She ordered routine labwork which will be shared with my PCP so I won't have to pay for it again (thank you Dr. H!).
3. Cathy, Chauffeur and Friend Extraordinaire took me to:
  • Get my labwork done.  There was NO waiting.  How often does that happen?!?
  • Fill my prescription.  With my insurance, a 30-day supply didn't cost me a dime!  Woohoo!  (I'll say it again - This is not a political forum but my praises of gratitude are offered in prayer every day for Obamacare giving me this opportunity to get the medical care I need.)
4. Personal Celebrations
  • I made this list as I went through my day (and believe me, it wasn't this organized, lol).
  • It took me a long time but I wrote this post and am going to publish it even though it is now after midnight.
  • In between appointments today I updated my contact list with my new healthcare team, and entered all of my upcoming appointments on my phone.  It ultimately took 2 hours but I did it.
  • I took my bestie Leslie's advice and wore honker headphones (not earbuds) while sitting in the waiting areas.  I wasn't listening to anything but several times they served their purpose and allowed me a semblance of privacy which gave me peace and some ease as I traversed a packed day. Thank you, Leslie!
  • I saw bluebonnets for the 1st time this year.  Another first out of the gate.

FB Anonymous

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3/24/15-A Day of Being Brave

I am working on a blog post about acceptance, but if I keep waiting until I finish it…. Well, let’s just say at the rate I'm going my next publication could be 2016 and the chicken above could be a great grandparent.  So, for now, I will share my day of being brave with you.

What does a baby chick and an egg have to do with being brave?  On January 24, two months ago to the day, I cracked open a farm fresh egg and poured out a baby chick.  It was beyond words disgusting and just YUK! I thought I might not ever eat eggs again. Then this morning, I got brave.

I also consider it brave that I cooked anything at all because my gas stove requires manually lighting a pilot light and cooking with an open flame.  Normally that’s not a big deal, but I was bedridden Friday through Sunday and cooking just a mere 2 days later is cause for celebration.

I also went out on a limb today and threw away my outdoor, bad weather, beyond repair, falling apart, most comfortable in the world, 9-year old walking shoes today.

Yes, I know, but somehow letting go of them touched a core issue of operating from lack for me. It meant that I now have to rely on a new pair of shoes which are exactly the same, only pretty and pristine, and get okay with using them on a daily basis.  I have no idea why that was so hard for me, but it was.  I’ve had the new pair for several months.  I haven’t sorted it out yet, but clearly I should have been able to long ago toss the old pair to the curb.  It felt brave to do so today.

I also circumvented not getting directly caught up in other people’s drama today.  That felt brave. 
borrowed from FB, page IDK
If given another opportunity, I may speak up from connection with my higher spiritual energy as an example of light and love, but for today, being brave enough to not engage was the best I could do.

also borrowed from FB, page IDK
This evening I went to the dog park and the store.  By myself - just me and the furbabies.  It took me 3 hours, and I made 3 wrong turns.  It might not have been the smartest thing to do, but it felt brave.

It is late Tuesday night.  By the time you read this post it will probably already be Wednesday.  I end the day feeling brave knowing that I will also face tomorrow with courage.  I have finished my intake and eval appointments with the advocacy center and tomorrow is my first day of doctor visits.  I don’t have time for fear of eggs, living from lack or engaging in senseless drama.

I leave you with a video from YouTube by Jana Stanfield, “If I Were Brave”.  Enjoy and know that you are loved.  You are love.  You are awe-mazing. XOXO