Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4/29/15-Well, I Fell Well

I titled these two pictures, "Things of Beauty." And while they may not look beautiful to you. They were phenomenal to me.

The photo on the left is one taken way out in the country when the bus I was on drove for over 30 minutes past my stop to drop someone off.  Most people would not have liked that, but the driver gave me a choice and I actually requested it. It is a thing of beauty to me because even after the week I've had, I got to take a drive in the country and see beautiful wild flowers. Awe-mazing.

The photo on the right is taken from the hospital lobby. I got to go to the hospital twice this week - one unexpected visit to the ER and one for my MRI. I took this photo through the lobby window while I was there waiting to have a MRI performed. I think their grounds are quite lovely, and what I experienced during the MRI made the picture on the left, taken a few hours later, even more beautiful - to me.

The MRI was a horrible experience & made my head hurt badly. I had not one but 2 MRI's - one reg & one with IV contrast. I barely made it through the first one and thought I would scream when they rolled me back in for the 2nd one. But they have to be done back-to-back, at the same time, so I sure didn't want to reschedule & do it all over again. My muscles spasmed from being so tense and when done the tech had to help me uncurl my arms, hands & legs. I was shivering head to toe. It felt like I was going to bounce off the table. But I did not move my head during the MRIs! I've probably had 10 MRIs over the years and this has not happened before, but I sure never want to go thru it again. Rephrase - I will not.

This came after I fell on Saturday. Another rephrase - I did a face plant - in gravel, and skidded several feet as if I were stealing home. At least I don't do anything halfway. That resulted in a trip to the ER. I am lucky, blessed and grateful - nothing broken and no permanent injuries. Which is an extra celebration because the temple that I landed on is where my bone fragments are from the original brain injury!

The ER doctor wanted to keep me overnight but my insurance said no since the CT Scan was clear. So, my sweet neighbor that had taken me there, got dressed and came back for me. After a late night run to the pharmacy to get meds for pain, swelling and nausea, we got home around 2:30A. I have such wonderful earth angels in my life!

This may be the worst selfie ever, but trust me, you do not want to see what's behind the glasses that won't rest on my cheek. This is day 4 after the fall. You can imagine what I looked like before it got "better". You get the picture, so to speak. Well, at least I fell well.

More doctor appointments, more tests and more bus rides to come so stay tuned!

Saturday, April 25, 2015


There is only ONE Source, and we are ONE.

This squirrel, cracks me up. He comes to visit often. Today, he busied himself all day long - looking to and fro, trying to find nuts, burying nuts, and acting like a nut. Sometimes he would jump in the air and do a somersault for no apparent reason. Then he'd stand there like he forgot whether he was burying a nut or looking for a nut. A few times, he had a nut in his mouth, dug a hole and then seemingly forgot to bury it. Or maybe he just didn't like that spot. Regardless, he would wonder around for awhile and eventually realize he still had a nut in his mouth. Then he would take off running and the same shenanigans would begin again. He repeated this over and over. I named him Mr. Jungle Squirrel. Because, you know, it's a jungle out there.

Some days, it's funny. I can figuratively take a step back and watch myself searching, digging, running around aimlessly, repeating the insanity ad nauseum - in a hurry to get somewhere even though I don't have a clue where that may be. I feel as confused as my friend, Mr. Jungle Squirrel. It all cracks me up and sometimes I literally laugh out loud.

Then on other days, it's painful. I repeat efforts that seem futile in a confusing world where all the pieces feel like a disjointed, unmatched maze. I am grateful for my friends that remind me to STOP, breathe, and connect with Spirit. When I do that, when anyone does that, all is well always - no matter what.

This week is a perfect example.

On Tuesday, after MANY calls and a LOT of confusion (for me), I was told at the end of the day by a nurse I had never talked to before that my neurologist would NOT see me, under any circumstances, without a recent MRI and EEG .... or .... my original records from the incident in 1996 that caused the TBI. Come up with one of those 2 things and I could see a neurologist. If not, The End.

That posed 2 problems:

1) As for new tests, my insurance will not approve my primary care physician to order a new MRI and EEG. And there are only 2 other neurologists in the Austin area that my insurance will allow me to see. They might be willing to order new tests, but they are not accepting new patients, no exceptions. So, no new tests.

2) As for original records, the hospital where I was taken when the TBI happened, is now a new fancy hospital in a different location and no longer operates under the same name (same parent corp but a different affiliation). A records clerk there has already told my Benefits Coordinator and me that getting old records from the old hospital prior to 2000, is a 50/50 hit-or-miss chance. We ordered them February 25, and they haven't found them yet. So, more than likely, no old records.

I hung up the phone on Tuesday after talking with that very insensitive nurse who bluntly informed me I could not see the neurologist, and felt like Mr. Jungle Squirrel frantically running around in circles, looking hit-and-miss style for my nuts (so to speak, pun intended). I knew I was not going to be able to keep digging long-term to come up with those records. I simply no longer have that capability. Since my break from reality (4/12 post), my brain has not functioned the same and it has been scary. With this dead-end, my despair was wretched. By the time my social worker arrived from the advocacy center for our appointment that same afternoon, I was a wreck. And exhausted.

But Nancy, angel extraordinaire, was not daunted. We began to strategize and decided that maybe we could get copies of the court records or the police reports or possibly even the ARD files from my son's school. In those ARDs, placement for him was discussed and the extent of my injuries purposefully recorded. A copy of my hospital record may have even been included. Plus, one of my 'old' high school classmates worked at the High School and was one of the counselors in the room that day. I can only remember her first name but Nancy called the school anyway in hopes of finding her. As imagined, no one works there with that first name, and reportedly no one in administration goes back that far that might remember her. So we began plowing through FB, google searches, websites - something, anything, that might give us a lead. All to no avail. Another 2 hour visit with me and Nancy never got discouraged. Her determination buoyed me. Before she left, she also reminded me to "Let Go and Let God."

That evening I took my furbabies for a long walk and we ended up, as we often do, on the river bank. As I looked up the river I saw deer crossing. The overwhelming connection with the beauty of nature and God flooded me. I stood there and sang, Karen Drucker's song, "I Am So Blessed."

I am truly blessed, in many, many ways. What do people in situations like mine do without such resources? Labeling the advocacy center (AC) and everyone I work with there as a God-send, does not even come close to describing them. I see them as celestial vessels saving my life. I am convinced of it. Especially with what happened the next day.....

I had several appointments at the AC on Wednesday. Before Nancy left my house on Tuesday, she made notes for me and promised to update everyone before my arrival. They even sent a driver for me so I didn't have to take the County bus! While I was there, Dr. H, my lead physician at the AC, wrote a fairly salty letter to my prospective neurologist - right there on the spot while I sat in her office. Wow.

I didn't read it at the time because I was a mess - again. In spite of Nancy's visit the previous afternoon, and my acceptance while overlooking the river the night before, sitting in Dr. H's office I felt helpless. I was confused and could not answer a lot of her questions. When my previous break from reality happened on 4/8, I actually thought that might be my demise. And this week, I was beginning to think my days of independent living might be over. Dr. H was reassuring, but she voiced some of the same concerns.

By the time I left Dr. H, and went to my next appointment down the hall with my Benefits Coordinator, GB, I was sniveling and emotionally erratic. I sat there trying so very hard to get my composure, without much luck, while she accomplished the following:
  • She called my prospective neuro's office and got a "back-line" fax number. I couldn't follow everything she said, but she was very businesslike and authoritative. I was impressed. She then faxed over Dr. H's letter with a page-long cover letter of her own.
  • She completed my paperwork for CARTS so that I can transport outside the County. (The neuro is in Austin, Travis County.)
  • She completed a 10-page document with requested attachments that SSA had required with only a 2-day turnaround. There's no way I could have finished the document on time, if at all.
  • She gathered my student loan docs and is going to work with the doctors to try and secure a forebearance.
  • She coordinated my transport home, and
  • Made me copies of everything: stapled, and 3-hole punched.
Off I went. I'll say it again, they are such lovely people. All of them. I wasn't much of a conversationalist on the way home and the driver respected my need to ride quietly. Being "on the road again" always soothes me and everything is so pretty and green right now. Plus there were tons of flowers to ogle. By the time I got home I had at least quit crying. I have no idea how the AC staff do what they do - day in and day out, person after person. They are such wonderful demonstrations of love and service.

The driver wrote down my upcoming appointments and said she would check on transport for me. Again, wow. I thanked her profusely and went inside to love on, and be loved by, my furbabies.

Here's the thing: Dr. H now wants me to come in every 2 weeks, and she upped my frequency of at-home visits to weekly. She also gave me a new medicine:

Aricept for Alzheimer's

It was a lot to take in over 2 days, and I was sitting on the floor with my furbabies in a daze, trying to absorb it all. Then I remembered, "Breathe." That opened enough space for me to begin connecting with ONEness. Soon I began enjoying slower, deeper breaths.

Then I remembered who I am. And as wonderful as they are, I realized even the advocacy center is not my source. Neither is the neurologist, or my insurance company, or any other healthcare facet I end up dealing with. I am never helpless. God and infinite Universal Energy is my source. In that, all my needs are already met. My heart space opened up even more and I remembered that all is well always - no matter what the outcome may be. And trust me, I do not say that frivolously. I know it is not always an easy place to live from. But if I can live from that place of knowing, even for a moment, any one can. You can. We all can.

We are ONE.

I felt complete peace and a slow-rising joy. I was loved and comforted and I fused with that. For a few glorious moments I was love. I was peace. I was comfort. I stood up after that experience without a single need to "do" anything.

Soon my friend Judy brought me my new medicine. We sat outside and talked for awhile and by the time she left, we had even shared a few laughs. Dare I repeat it? I am so blessed.

Here's something else I want to share with you in gratitude and wonderment....

I didn't get home from the AC on Wednesday until 2:45. By 4:00, my phone rang and it was someone from my primary care physician's office wanting to schedule a MRI on behalf of my neuro's office!! Way to go Dr. H!!  You and GB accomplished in less than 5 hours what I had not been able to accomplish in 2 months.

There is only ONE Source, and it is unlimited.

And the medicine seems to be working. It still took me 3 days to write this blog post (that I used to could do in 3 hours), but I feel better and am processing better than I have in a very long time. Knowing that a medicine for Alzheimer's is the presumed reason (but not my Source) for my improvement, poses a bit of a conundrum for me. But Dr. H was very careful and adamant in telling me that the prescription is not to be connected to a diagnosis. I reportedly have at least 2 more months of testing before a diagnosis or prognosis will be offered with any certainty.

Lastly, the hospital called Friday morning to verify my appointment next week. They asked if I have had a MRI before. Uh, yeah, just a few. But I simply replied, "Yes," and let them complete their questionnaire. It was long and it was difficult to concentrate for that length of time, especially on the phone. The last thing she said was that my co-pay would be $250 and I had to pay that on Tuesday before they will perform the MRI. My initial reaction was terror. $250!!!!! That's almost a third of my monthly income!

I began morphing into Mr. Jungle Squirrel and braced to start banging my head on the wailing wall.

She asked if I wanted to cancel the appointment.

When am I going to learn? I took a breath and remembered .... Yet again -

Source is unlimited and we are ONE.

Thanks to my wonderful friend Tracy who created my YouCaring Campaign, and my wonderful friends and earth angels that contributed to it, I have the co-pay covered. THANK YOU!

Fear can and probably will continue to show up, but instead of mimicking Mr. Jungle Squirrel every time it does, I choose to practice releasing it through faith in Grace, Gratitude and ONEness.

There is only ONE Source. That Source is unlimited and infinite. We are unlimited and infinite. We are ONE.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Every year I try my best to get pictures of Nonni and Bentley in the Bluebonnets. This year, there was an explosion of wildflowers. There are amazing photos all over the internet.

Unfortunately, since I'm not able to drive, we had to search high and low in the RV park for a patch of Bluebonnets. We finally found some.

Nonni's and Bentley's reaction is priceless. Bentley's caption could be, "Oh, I hope she doesn't put this on the internet." Nonni looks like she's saying, "Are you kidding me?"

Thursday, April 16, 2015

4/16/15-Defining Fun

When I woke up this morning, within the first few seconds of opening my eyes, I cried. I had the brief thought of squashing it, biting my upper lip, tightening my belt, and buttoning up. Then I heard that IBSC and recognized it for what it was. A load of crap. So I allowed the tears and wondered what the heck it was that needed such a guttural release.

I prayed, then made a pot of coffee, ran through a few relaxation techniques, tried to meditate (not so successfully) and did a feelings/need exercise (click here for more NVC/MYL information). It was painful and yet there was also freedom in the routine. The entire time I celebrated lucidity because I have had 3 episodes in 7 days. That's a new record I would rather have not made, but this illness continues to be a blessing in many strange ways.

As is often the case with NVC/MYL exercises, the initial need I identified turned out to scratch only the surface. By the time I identified it and talked with my life coach about it, I had a far greater perspective. All of it combined was a major life-changing shift for me.

I can't write about all of the revelations in this one post, but I can at least share with you for now the initial discovery. The underlying emotion was fear (not surprisingly), and the needs not being met were freedom and fun.

My friend Carolyn came to visit me yesterday. She drives this cool 25-year old classic Miata named Misti.  Isn't she pretty? Way to go Carolyn! What fun!

We finished our visit and late in the evening I finished my taxes after another friend reminded me it was the last day to do so. I completely forgot and I was exhausted. Fortunately, I only had to enter my W2s, had no deductions, and with my friend on stand-by to answer questions, it went fairly smoothly and quickly. By the time I got ready for bed however, I could not recall the details of my visit with Carolyn. I tried and tried but got nothing. I buried under the covers and went to sleep wondering if my life was going to get to where I couldn't even have company. No wonder I woke up crying!

"Oh ye of little faith," comes to mind (Mathew 8:26).

In the past, I've defined fun as driving cute little classics, top down, with the pedal to the metal. Yesterday I couldn't even drive my friend to get her spare key when hers broke. Today, I ask myself, "So what?" The dogs and I got to ride with her and I got to see her wonderful husband and amazing son. I also took a cool picture that will be in Saturday's blog. On the way back her son joined us so I sat in the back and held Bentley. That little guy only lets me do that 5 or 6 times a year so that was another treat. Fun!

For fun times in the past, I've parasailed, gone scuba diving, drove my own Harley, kayaked, and traveled. I've also slept in hammocks, read by a lazy river, scrapbooked with friends, and sat staring out at the beauty of nature while doing nothing else - for hours! Also fun.

Until this morning I was lamenting and grieving the loss of the first set of fun activities. On this healing journey I get to redefine fun. And who knows, one day I may do the adventurous enterprises again. Then again, maybe not. By the time I complete this healing journey, I may not even want to. And none of it matters.

What matters is the learning and growing I am doing in appreciating the here and now, the ever present moment and the fullness of life that each second brings. They're gone. Even as I type this, they're gone. And each brings with it a beauty I have never known before. In that, is the fun.

So I thought I'd share with you pictures I've taken recently here in the RV Park. Fun redefined. I am forever blessed.

The furbabies and I have a favorite river bank here in the park. On days when I can walk that far, we visit it often. One day, even before we reached the clearing, I could hear splishing and splashing. It was catfish swimming upstream!

The picture above shows one fairly clearly, and another jumping out of the water. They were everywhere. Occassionally several would get stranded on a mud rift and flop and fight their way back to water. I stood there for awhile with my eyes and mouth wide open. I am in Texas or I would have thought it was salmon swimming up stream!

They were huge. In the area immediately beneath me, I quit counting at 30. The picture below shows how thick they were, and it was that way for as far as I could see. I've never heard of anything like it in my life, and I didn't even know catfish did that. FUN!

Every now and then I'll still see a few of the big ones hanging around, but nothing like that morning. I have however seen ducks paddling up river. By the time I got the dogs settled and my phone out of my pocket, they were too far away for a good picture, but hopefully this will give you an idea. Parents on the right (in yellow); babies on the left (in pink).

Acceptance and letting go is a process that is sometimes painful, but we can also stay connected through it and keep our zeal for this life on earth that we are so delicately blessed with. Of that I am certain. I am finding my way in defining joyFULLness and fun on this new path of healing. It is an honor and privilege to walk with so many wonderful people while doing so. Namaste.

Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13/15-A Beautiful Place to Live

I am so grateful to my friend Leslie for finding this RV Park. It is beautiful. I haven't been able to venture out and find bluebonnets for pics this year, but this is from a nearby field.

I wish I could have seen Miss Bettie's field of flowers in Goliad. I hear they were gorgeous this year. I hope someone took pics! And the palace purchasers report they got even more rain recently. When I am able to drive again, one of my first road trips will be back there to see my friends. I miss you guys!

I still long for the open road one day, but if one has to be stationary and on a healing journey, it doesn't get much better than this. I took this next pic from my front porch. The silly blue jay would wait on a hummingbird to arrive at the feeder and then try to fly like it. He wore himself out and was literally panting, but he kept trying. He wouldn't go near the birds or the feeder, he just kept flying up to that level to try and hover. Talk about a lesson in acceptance and letting go. Or perhaps it is an example of faith and perseverance. Interesting. Every now and then the hummers would hang out mid air just watching him, or taunting him. One can never be sure. Or perhaps they were encouraging him and offering support. Again, interesting.

The blue dotted line is the bank of the San Gabriel. The water is a good 20' below this and it makes for stunning views.

There is a 1/4 mile oval path in the middle of the park. Within it is a stone fountain with multiple falls (yellow arrow), gardens for residents to tend, barbecue pits and propane grills (beyond the gazebo).  There is also an area equipped with horseshoe games (just past the gardens), and plenty of picnic tables. There is nice, low lighting all the way around the path. It makes for lovely walks at night. Here's a morning pic.

I still did a couple of whacky things today, but nothing like it has been. It was such a treat to feel better and get out for walks. I thought you might enjoy it too.

4/12/15-Breaks from Reality

Taken in April 2014.
From Dallas through Austin to Goliad.
Since creating my first blog in October of 2011, the months of October and April have been of significance. (I created a list below with some links to previous blog posts.)

This April is significant because this past week scared me. It took me awhile, since I'm not afraid of death, to figure out what the fear was about. I believe in Oneness and infinite spiritual energy - all that has already been, all that will ever be, is already present. I'm really not afraid of death and yet this past week I lived in terror for several days. It baffled me.

I endured full blown panic and anxiety attacks this week and came to realize that they revolved around breaks from reality. I shared some symptoms in my last post, but not these. On Wednesday, 4/8, my brain asserted a mind of its own and decided that it was Thursday, 4/9.  Trying to reconcile that while interacting with people, responding to emails, looking at calendars, etc., became impossible. So I stopped.

I created a timeline of the week. I remembered grocery shopping with my friend Glenn and saying goodbye to him as he embarked on the freedom trail of open roads once again, and I remembered going to my primary care doctor that afternoon. Only that didn't happen on Tuesday as my brain was trying to tell me it did; it happened on Monday. What then happened on Tuesday and Wednesday? It took me over an hour to recreate Monday and Tuesday, and get the placement right. Even with it mapped out, evidence in black-and-white right there in front of us, my mind would not operate from Wednesday. It was Thursday and there was nothing I could do to convince it otherwise.

I decided to take a break and heat up some coffee. I nuked it for what I thought was the normal 30 seconds and took a sip - of boiling milk. I scalded my mouth and still have blisters. I looked at the milk in the cup and knew it was milk, but my brain would not accept it. I even argued that coffee doesn't bubble and is not white. My brain would not give in. It held steadfast that the bubbly white liquid was coffee. Another break from reality and it felt ludicrously crazy. I fell on the floor sobbing. After awhile, I called my doctors.

The RN at my doctor's office sped things up for my neurology referral. I will go for more tests soon and finally see a neurologist mid-May. That's with me being placed on the "fast" track. The advocacy center sent a "Peer Certified Specialist" to visit with me for 2 hours the next day - the real Thursday. She was/is wonderful; a Godsend. I was still crying; still disoriented. She is going to see about additional home-health resources for me. With all of that, the doctors agreed I could stay home and not go to the hospital. I am so grateful.

On Friday, friends picked me up and I spent the afternoon with them in the country. My friend's home is beautiful. The whole outing was lovely and fun. They scrapbooked, while I (with their help) put together my 3-ring medical binder. I've been carrying a pile of papers back and forth to each appointment and doctors would get impatient while I rummaged through it trying to find the information they wanted. I am so blessed to have friends and family that love and support me. I was a little worried that I might have another break from reality while away from home, but I knew I was in good hands and I did just fine.

I am better today - obviously, or I wouldn't be able to write this, but it took me awhile to figure out what was lying beneath all that fear. I finally got it.

It's not just grieving the loss of my freedom - and I maintain that this immobility is temporary. And it's not just the fear of losing my mind - it is not my Higher Self. I know that I am not this. We are in the world but not of the world. The great I AM is eternal. So then, what was up with the fear?

I've had breaks with reality before. At 16, alone with strangers for Thanksgiving and no family or friends to turn to, I tried to commit suicide. I've written about it on my blog before. It was impulsive with no anterior history. At 35, I was hospitalized when long-ago buried memories of childhood trauma surfaced. And at 51, I began experiencing seizures due to my TBI, was facing a divorce, the loss of my job, and ultimately foreclosure on my home that I had saved my whole life to buy. I was hospitalized for depression.

The break with reality this week, although manifested from a neurological disorder, brought up all of that. Whomp! In my face - with no warning.

I have started from scratch and rebuilt my life so many times it is difficult to keep track of the events, let alone the chronology. I didn't want to write this post. More accurately, I didn't want to publish this post. I fear what people will think. I fear what people will say. And above all that, I fear that people will go away.

I have wonderful people in my life now. People that love me for who I am. They don't judge me from whence I came - nor do they necessarily know the depths of me. I can no longer hide from that and be authentic.

In publishing this I am answering the call to be bold and brave - like so many who have championed the way before me. I am saying that I am willing to walk alone should those I love turn away. Some may think it unnecessary for me to write of such things publicly. It would be easier not to, but I also know I am being called to be transparent and write from my heart. I am to trust the path I am being drawn to walk; it's almost like being pulled and only one step at a time is being illuminated. I feel I truly will go insane if I don't write that which is on my heart to write; all of it. So, in faith, I go with the flow and write:

Breaks from reality petrify me.

I'm not who I used to be and I don't want to go there again. This illness has hit me in my weakest spot. Or, probably more accurately, it has hit me in my vulnerability where I most need to grow.




Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/9/15-The Brain Game

Pic from FB-Page Unknown
Life - our bodies, nature, the universe, plants, animals, the oxygen we breathe, our interactions with all the other elements of the periodic table - is such an intricate balance. Simply awe-mazing. I am inspired as I observe my wonky brain and its imbalance. 

With the help of Siri, I can create this blog post but I can't fix myself breakfast. I can let the dogs out before the rains come, but I can't wander from the trailer because I might get lost. I can remember that it might rain but I can't retain the day or date for more than five minutes.

My brain and my ability to process is in constant flux but something has changed since yesterday morning. I am resting while waiting on my doctor to call me back with my marching orders. Yesterday he told me I will most likely be hospitalized for testing. I guess I will know by the end of the day. But here's the oddest thing....

Without looking at my tweets, texts & emails from yesterday, I can't recall what happened.

I look at my white board that lists my reminders for writing (I now have many whiteboards in my home with a variety of instructions and reminders), and it reminds me I want to do a post on "It Takes A Village". I want to write a thank you to all the wonderful people that lift me up. The brain is amazing. I can write about writing about it, but I can't process well enough to include any details that are required for specific examples. So, thank you. All of you. You know who you are, hopefully.

I am scared. So, unable to process a prayer or meditation on my own, I turned to my trusty handheld computer called a phone & touch the icon for The Daily Word. Their article below says it all. Thank you living, loving God. My needs are always met in the most beautiful ways. I am grateful.

My doctor told me recently that I can wake up one morning and never again remember who I am.  My reply was, "Isn't that true for everyone?"  I know this: The great I AM has always been and will always be. "I" am not "this".

All is well, always, no matter what.

The Daily Word:
Protected - Divine light within me illuminates the darkness and dispels all fear.

Namaste. I love you.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

4/2/15-Of Mice and Me

I use live traps to catch mice.  It hasn't been an issue since moving to Gtown, but when I lived in the country, in Goliad, mice in the area knew a good thing when they saw it.  They too wanted to live in the palace, evidently, and I frequently would haul them off and give them a new address.

I thought I did a pretty good job of keeping them at bay (so to speak).  But today, an RV tech came to ready my A/C for the summer and I had him check all vents.  One of them was clogged with old mice nests.  Yuk!  I suppose the good news here is that they were "old" nests, and they were contained to only one duct.  But yuk!  We ended up having to pull the entire run.  I cleaned and sanitized and cleaned some more.

I start new meds tonight for my seizures.  I hope the doctor is right and they will help slow them down, but mostly, after the events of today, I hope it helps me sleep.  If it weren't supposed to rain, I'd probably spend the night outside.  Nonni and Bentley?  They can sleep through anything and in spite of everything.  Check out the tongue action. LOL.