Thursday, April 2, 2015

4/2/15-Of Mice and Me

I use live traps to catch mice.  It hasn't been an issue since moving to Gtown, but when I lived in the country, in Goliad, mice in the area knew a good thing when they saw it.  They too wanted to live in the palace, evidently, and I frequently would haul them off and give them a new address.

I thought I did a pretty good job of keeping them at bay (so to speak).  But today, an RV tech came to ready my A/C for the summer and I had him check all vents.  One of them was clogged with old mice nests.  Yuk!  I suppose the good news here is that they were "old" nests, and they were contained to only one duct.  But yuk!  We ended up having to pull the entire run.  I cleaned and sanitized and cleaned some more.

I start new meds tonight for my seizures.  I hope the doctor is right and they will help slow them down, but mostly, after the events of today, I hope it helps me sleep.  If it weren't supposed to rain, I'd probably spend the night outside.  Nonni and Bentley?  They can sleep through anything and in spite of everything.  Check out the tongue action. LOL.


  1. TONGUE ACTION.......L.O.L.

    1. I know Joe - isn't she funny? And she snores too. Adorable. :))

  2. I made many trips when my boys were growing up to give all different kinds of critters a new address, but never mice... a funny and cute story as is the sleeping dogs with tongue action. I pray now that he meds will help you and do it quickly.


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