Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/9/15-The Brain Game

Pic from FB-Page Unknown
Life - our bodies, nature, the universe, plants, animals, the oxygen we breathe, our interactions with all the other elements of the periodic table - is such an intricate balance. Simply awe-mazing. I am inspired as I observe my wonky brain and its imbalance. 

With the help of Siri, I can create this blog post but I can't fix myself breakfast. I can let the dogs out before the rains come, but I can't wander from the trailer because I might get lost. I can remember that it might rain but I can't retain the day or date for more than five minutes.

My brain and my ability to process is in constant flux but something has changed since yesterday morning. I am resting while waiting on my doctor to call me back with my marching orders. Yesterday he told me I will most likely be hospitalized for testing. I guess I will know by the end of the day. But here's the oddest thing....

Without looking at my tweets, texts & emails from yesterday, I can't recall what happened.

I look at my white board that lists my reminders for writing (I now have many whiteboards in my home with a variety of instructions and reminders), and it reminds me I want to do a post on "It Takes A Village". I want to write a thank you to all the wonderful people that lift me up. The brain is amazing. I can write about writing about it, but I can't process well enough to include any details that are required for specific examples. So, thank you. All of you. You know who you are, hopefully.

I am scared. So, unable to process a prayer or meditation on my own, I turned to my trusty handheld computer called a phone & touch the icon for The Daily Word. Their article below says it all. Thank you living, loving God. My needs are always met in the most beautiful ways. I am grateful.

My doctor told me recently that I can wake up one morning and never again remember who I am.  My reply was, "Isn't that true for everyone?"  I know this: The great I AM has always been and will always be. "I" am not "this".

All is well, always, no matter what.

The Daily Word:
Protected - Divine light within me illuminates the darkness and dispels all fear.

Namaste. I love you.


  1. the daily word was perfect for your fear and i would be afraid also... I pray now for God to protect you and guide and lead you and to lead the doctors in how to help you. your post hurts my heart and it is ok to be afraid and just touch that phone like you did today. God bless you and keep you safe and your pups to

  2. I've said it before and I will say it again because it is so are amazing. Absolutely amazing. ♡ ♡ ♡


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