Tuesday, July 14, 2015

7/13/14-Day Three

This morning, in MO, Bentley and I got up early to walk the prayer path again. The reflection gardens were so welcoming in the morning sunshine. We made time to stop and smell the roses, or whatever these beautiful flowers are.

Bentley particularly liked this metal butterfly and gnome garden.

I think he thought he might find some treats in the Giving Garden, but he had to wait until we got back to the hotel.

Then we headed to the back of the trail to the structure you can see in the distance.

 Getting closer.

And we made it.

It was a Chime Chapel. Each beam had words engraved - joy, love, peace, patience, self control, understanding, kindness. Wonderful reminders and a great way to start the day.

The four huge chimes hanging from the cathedral ceiling had amazing tones. So peaceful. Here's a video of them so you can hear them too.

Tonight we are in Iowa where we will be for a few days attending the USCR Board retreat.

Bentley has now been in 5 states and I don't think he had been outside of Texas before. How cool is that?!? Big TX hugZ! We send you much love wherever you are.

Something tells me we're not in Kansas anymore Toto (sorry, couldn't resist).

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