Monday, July 6, 2015

7/6/15-Road Trip is ON!

We're ready! After my last post I put up new flyers, and waited.

I regret that I freaked some people out by posting on the "world wide web." I really appreciate the love and care shown me, but please know that I never reveal personal information, and if someone I did not know had responded, I simply would have ignored them. Likewise, my FB post was for family and friends only, and if someone else had responded without a referral, I simply would not have replied. The Craig's List notice was a blind post and simply said that a "company" was asking for bids to pull a trailer round-trip from Texas to Iowa. No worries, I promise.

And, drum roll please.....

On Wednesday I got a knock at my door, yes, at my door....

Meet this beautiful person, Bettie....

borrowed from FB, Susan Arbuckle Music
She not only lives in my RV park, she goes to Unity of Georgetown, and she is going to be my road trip friend. What are the odds?!? Who knew it would work out this beautifully?? Oh yeah, God & Spirit knew. Co-creating with the Universe is such fun, isn't it? All I have to do is stay out of the way. In the flow, all is well, always.

Saturday morning I went with Bettie to the local Farmer's Market to stock up on some nutritious items for our trip.

That evening I went with another neighbor, Elaine, to see the fireworks. We sat on our lawn chairs in the middle of a field, had a wonderful breeze, and an amazing view. Thank you City of Georgetown!

Anita Moorjani, author of Dying To Be Me, writes

Anita Moorjani FB
I think my body is doing the same. Just like I knew I was going to go on this trip without knowing how, I also know I am healed. I just don't know when my body will catch up. It doesn't know it yet. Consequently, after a marvelous day on Saturday, I was in bed most of the day Sunday. When I wasn't, I had to use my walking stick and I had multiple symptoms throughout the day. I struggled.

There was a time that would have frustrated me so, and I would have wailed and moaned at the time lost, the things not done, but slowly, day by day, I am learning. I am learning to love what is, and allow my body to take the time it needs. It will catch up one day and I will be able to be active without repercussion. I just know it. I claim it.

Until then, I will Keep on Keeping On. KOKO! Stay tuned for highlights of Debra and Bettie's Excellent Adventure. Road Trip! I am so excited. So grateful.

Coming This Month
Kaleidoscope 9, a collection of unrelated short stories by .... me
Enjoy this excerpt from Gone But Not Forgotten:

“Movement to my left caught me by surprise. A pink, hairless dog walked up. His quivering body and bewildered eyes were asking me for help, but I didn’t know what to do. He was begging for me to do something, anything, so I opened the door to the cab of the truck and let him inside. Once again I knew my actions were futile, but it was something.”

1 comment :

  1. glad you found someone to go with you and someone you know and can trust. i wish you both a safe trip


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